Thursday, September 18, 2014

More on Fish and Poultry!

Haven't had any chicken since we've been here, and so today I asked one of the girls in the office to ask the cooker where would be a good place to buy chicken. They discussed a bit in Chinese between themselves, and then told me that I should go to the second floor of the market where I had seen the cooker buy fish. They informed me that it' a good place to buy a live chicken, and the vendor could help me kill it. What???? I was thinking boneless skinless!

Even though I have no intention of buying a chicken and getting help killing it, my curiosity and my camera lead me to the second floor of the market. Do you see a chicken here that you'd choose for dinner? Tonight  I informed Christine and Kynza that we will be sticking with pork, which has become our staple.

There is a small seafood restaurant next to the building where Christine works, and I walk by there every day and smile at the folks. Since I'm one of the very few non-Asians they see, they definitely notice me. Today I couldn't resist stopping with my camera, and they were very kind to me, and enjoyed watching the videos I took. The grandma sits out on the sidewalk cutting up greens for hours on end every day.

The young men kill, clean, and cook the fish... The kitchen opens onto the street, so I took all of these pictures just standing on the sidewalk.  The floor seems to be the proper place to kill a fish in this country! They first give him a bang of the head, then watch how they remove the scales while his tail's still flapping! 

And I love how they cook in these giant woks... 

I feel like I should have lunch at their restaurant some day if I'm going to continue to walk by and be friendly with them. sizzling in that giant wok should kill anything the fish might have picked up on the floor, shouldn't it? Will keep you posted.


  1. The sizzling wok may kill stuff on the fish but what about those veggies being cleaned on the sidewalk?? After a month of pork you may be making another trip up to the second floor ready to kill yourself a chicken! I remember watching my mom kill chickens, pluck the feather and then can them. Make the BEST chicken soup!

    1. The girls in Christine's office are taking us to this very fish restaurant tomorrow night. Will make sure the veggies are cooked! I said that I would love to eat there after taking the pictures, and voilà, they set it up. So fun!

  2. what was the loud noise while he was taking the scales off the fish? Ilka

    1. China is SOOOOO noisy 24/7! That is just background noise from the street and the restaurant. Actually, the noise has been pretty hard for me to get used to. Constant honking, constant noise from construction, and I'm not even sure what else is in the mix, but it's just loud everywhere.

  3. Oh I am so excited to "travel with you"!! What a wonderful job you do sharing your journey with us! Thank you!!
